Idiot Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Sea Has Risen 9 Inches’

Debbie Wasserman Schultz – “Sea levels have risen nine inches …”

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.):

“I will eventually represent Orlando if we don’t do something about making sure we can reduce global warming,” she said on Fox News. “Coastal communities all across the country, are facing dangerous sea-level rises, which will ultimately cause homes to be underwater in a few short years,” she said.

This utterly false and she is either a complete imbecile or a desperate liar. There is no Anthropogenic Global Warming (man-made climate influence). This is a desperate attempt to impose the United Nations carbon tax scheme on American citizens. It is junk science and it has been debunked repeatedly by many leading scientists–those who aren’t on the end of a government grant that will only continue if they tow the Obama administration’s line.

George Carlin: Global Warming Scam

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Trifecta – Global Hoax: Report Concludes that Global Warming Ended Sixteen Years Ago

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