Eric Holder: ‘People who feel threatened have a duty to retreat’

Eric Holder: ‘People who feel threatened have a duty to retreat’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This man is unfit to be an attorney, much less the Attorney General. He is a menace.  It is my understanding that Florida’s “stand your ground law” has benefited black citizens in self defense court cases greatly, so let’s take away a “common sense” law that helps people and replace it with a pacifist law that allows victims of violence to be further violated and humiliated. Way to go there, Herr Holder … you idiot.

Eric Holder: Self-defense is deadly; ‘People who feel threatened have a duty to retreat’

And the President didn’t want to be left out of the spotlight of stupidity, so he put his two cents in … (probably our two cents—aw, never mind!)

Obama: If you oppose the Gang of Eight immigration bill you’re probably scared of minorities



Blacks benefit from Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ law at disproportionate rate