Category Archives: Religion

This is NOT the Planet I was Born On

Help me … I am a clueless liberal …
An Ostrich Progressive

Opinion by AAABTonto:

In this world gone mad I often wonder what will happen next. What will the next blast of gob frothing, lunatic, pabulum-puke, liberal outburst claim to be sexist, intolerant and racist? I am never disappointed by the lack of variety of industrial strength, maximum density and narcissistic insanity that liberals espouse in the main stream media, on a daily basis.

“It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine. It’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all about.”
– Harry Reid

Al Sharpton White people are racistOkay, Al didn’t say that, but he may as well have …

‘Bye-Bye Black Sheep’: Racist GOP Birthers Call For ‘Muslim’ Obama’s Impeachment

“What we’re trying to do here is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.”
– Nancy Pelosi

Jay Carney Says Immigration Reform Will ‘Increase Wages, Media laughs at the mere suggestion.

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad.”
– President Barack Obama

Scenes From The Circus of Politics

And … THEY are insane, yet demanding that you view the world through THEIR twisted prism because your perspective of life isn’t valid. You are defective, because you believe those fairy tales in the Bible are real—never mind the plethora of archeological evidence that is being discovered verifying the historical accuracy of much of the Bible. YOU want to take away their right to choose to murder their own child. YOU want to suppress the minority vote because YOU want to make them show their photo ID! YOU want to pollute the planet and are the cause of global warming. And, YOU—you selfish bastard, you don’t think you should have pay for other peoples poor decisions even though the government consumes over half of wages you earn. You earned it, you greedy SOB now give it to someone else … or else!

“Well the good news is our emissions are way down because of the recession.”
– Claire McCaskill

Stuff Liberals Say

Stop me when I am lying—you can’t, because it is the truth. The outrageous thing is that these vessels of enlightenment proclaim that conservative Christians are the scourge of the planet, the cause of all evil, proclaim we’re intolerant, and incoherent. These fools shouldn’t be allowed to own anything sharp and they’re telling us we can’t own guns! They have successfully dumbed-down almost half the nation into believing the feckless, placating drivel they spew forth right through their pearly white teeth.

“And of course I want to express my gratitude to my family; to my mother and father who instilled in me the values that carried me this far.”
– Anthony Weiner – his resignation

MLK March

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
– President Barack Obama

Obama the great 9

McRINO is Obsessed with Dragging U.S. into Another Middle East Conflict

Where is John McCain’s outrage for the Muslim persecution of Christians?

McCain on Face the Nation

Opinion by AAABTonto:

What planet is John McCain on? What is his obsession for arming “brave people” who are not fighting for liberty, but are fighting for Allah and would just as willingly behead him? It is plainly obvious that he doesn’t see this fact. These “brave people,” as he describes them, are Islamists, al Qaeda, al Nusra and a hoard of other maniacal religious fanatics whose lust for death and martyrdom  is fundamental to their religious belief. They don’t give a damn about Jeffersonian democracy.

In fact, these “brave people” may have perpetrated the very atrocity—a chemical weapons attack, that has the Obama administration in a snit. Secretary of State John Kerry has claimed the chemical attack on August 21, 2013 was a sarin attack. However, the Obama administration has yet to disclose the evidence to prove that the Assad regime authorized it. The Obama administration seems to have concluded that only the Assad regime could possibly possess the deadly sarin weapons. This is an entirely naive and narrow minded perspective to hold in such a volatile, ruthless region of our world.

In May, a UN Commission Of Inquiry found strong evidence that the “rebels” had used sarin gas:

Turkey finds sarin gas in homes of suspected Syrian Islamists reports Syria war

Obama has demonstrated his arrogant belief that if he says something it will become reality and to question him is a racist affront. Yet, none of his foreign policies have improved America’s standing in the world or given us any additional diplomatic clout. He openly backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and their rapid “fundamental transformation” of that country’s government completely alienated the Egyptian populace resulting in the unrest we see today. The Egyptian military is all that is holding the country together and all that is safeguarding the Suez Canal.

A Guide to Middle EastThere is almost nothing to be gained in continuing to meddle in Middle East affairs except defending the civil and human rights of non-Muslims. We would do ourselves a world of good to complete the Keystone pipeline and further reenforce our domestic oil production, but Obama’s flagrant hatred of oil and coal just weakens us further.

Obama is not an idiot; he is an ideologue and a fool … I have no idea what is wrong with John McCain, but there isn’t much right with him …

A king-obama-photo

Israel Keeping Watch on Egypt Situation

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The Muslim Brotherhood is nothing but trouble and they are Obama’s favorite pet project and no one seems to care. What will it take for the American people to demand that Obama distance himself from the MB and remove them from any and all advisory positions within our government? Even the anchorette in the above video won’t shut up while the person she is interviewing attempts to explain the reality of the circumstance.

Egyptian Islamists attack Christian churches



Obama and the Muslim Brotherhhood in Egypt – Benghazi Operation a Secret

Egyptian violence 1Opinion by AAABTonto:

More violent demonstrations erupted throughout Egypt today, Friday August 16, 2013. Muslim Brotherhood supporters clashed against fellow Muslims, Egyptian security forces and  Christians in what was designated a “Day of Rage.” Does any of this sound familiar? Wasn’t there a “Day of Rage” during the OWS demonstrations and who promoted those?

Obama has embraced, endorsed and ensconced the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and within OUR OWN government—they are the “modern”–yet 7th century, equivalent of the Nazis … our precious, progressive POTUS has said nothing, until yesterday, about the MB’s wholesale persecution and killing of Coptic Christians. That is because he saw his MB brothers finally getting what they deserve from the Egyptian military, who are preforming a favor for the whole of the world by cleaning their house of these savages. And, while this is going on the media, as usual, is getting the story exactly backwards while they try to save face for Obama. They are condemning the violence which they contend is against peaceful Morsi supporters—except that these supporters aren’t peaceful; they are armed and firing on the Egyptian military.

Egyptian violence 2

I just heard a FOX News Radio reporter say that the “appearance of the photographs” may go against the anti-Morsi elements of the Egyptian population. Really? These people were betrayed by Morsi, whom Obama supported outright—they don’t care what anyone else thinks about what reporters photograph. They want to rid themselves of the Muslim Brotherhood. I think they are within their rights to do so. Meanwhile the Obama administration is condemning the Egyptian military, who is the only source of authority left and has the apparent support of the  people.

They don’t care what Obama, McCain or Lindsey Graham have to say about what the Egyptian people “need to do”—they’re doing it.

Egypt protests Morsi and Obama

The POTUS has sponsored this Muslim Brotherhood savagery—he has the blood of Egypt on his hands!

AWFUL. Obama Compares Muslim Brotherhood Bloodbath to the United States

The Muslim Brotherhood is not even remotely comparable to the founding of the United States of America! The Founders were men who had experienced the boot heel of tyranny and decided to construct a government that promoted freewill and liberty—both economically and spiritually. The MB promotes Islam which is wholly theocratic in that the religion is the law and any other choice is criminal—apostasy. Islam is intolerant of all other religions and proclaims itself to be superior to all other religions. I don’t care if you want to call me a racist or not, Obama is WRONG! In fact, he could not be more wrong. Comparing the MB to our founding of America is like comparing procreation to abortion. Yea, I said it!

Why shouldn’t I say it? The MB has been persecuting and killing Coptic Christians in droves throughout Obama;s tenure as President and he has NEVER uttered a word of condemnation. It is disgusting, heartless and cruel.

All of this is a result of Obama’s incompetence. The Obama administration is in deep … and finally a random act of journalism by CNN has made notice of it. Though I could not have imagined what motivations Obama might have had for taking sides in Syria, he apparently had them and I believe it was to aid radical Islam in toppling Syrian president Assad. Then with the current Syrian government out of the way, assisting the Muslim Brotherhood in assuming power as he did in Egypt and Libya. The only problem was that the MB was not as organized and influential as they believed they were. They made Egypt’s already anemic economy worse and then destroyed the only industry Egypt has, tourism. Though the Egyptian people gave Morsi a chance, he was not what they thought they wanted. The MB failed miserably.

The other lesson to be learned from this is that Sharia, a MB centerpiece, is not compatible with a secular society whose mainstay would be tourism. Who is going to visit a country where you might be beheaded for the slightest of offenses? Who wants to go to a country known for its beautiful beaches and be forced to be covered from head to toe? Who wants to go on vacation where some radical religious fanatics are going to be lording over your every action? Not me. Additionally, there are some members within the radial ranks of the MB who are in favor of destroying the Great Pyramids!

Breaking: CNN Reports CIA Engaged in Massive Intimidation Campaign to Keep Benghazi a Secret

Carney Dodges on CIA Benghazi Witness Intimidation

Is there no shame? Obama is a liar and he is involved in this far beyond his legal authority.

Mark Levin on Explosive CNN Benghazi Report: “It’s Iran-Contra Times a Thousand”

The evidence … is slowly seeing the light of day.

Mark Levin: John Boehner And Obama ‘Cut Some Kind Of A Deal’ To Not Investigate Benghazi

This is incredible …

Boehner going the right way for a booting?

As WND reported, Boehner has insisted a devoted, select committee to look into the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya, isn’t “necessary.”

Despite allegations the CIA may be covering up a guns-to-terrorists scandal and the White House may have abandoned Americans to die in order to protect the secret, Boehner has entrusted already busy, existing House committees to look into it.

Boehner’s reluctance to launch a more serious investigation has prompted a challenge from within his own party, as Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., introduced a resolution to establish a select committee.

Not a mere dozen, but over 160 House Republicans have co-sponsored the resolution demanding a heightened investigation. Boehner, however, has refused to bring it to a vote.

How can we hold Obama accountable when those who are supposed to be leading our own party are willing to look the other way? The Egyptian people are showing us a lesson—it’s time to clean house!

Sinister Obama 1Behind Benghazi: Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration

Behind Benghazi: Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration – See more at:

Fear and Respect …

No fear … no respect …

Opinion by AAABTonto:

What is hard to understand about the weakness that pacifism broadcasts? How is it that defending one’s self is seen as “uncivil” by the progressive mindset? Is not the best offense oft described as a good defense? Well, sure it is, unless … you’re a candy-ass!

Yea, I said it … Our President is a wussy. The Obama administration’s foreign policy is perplexing to say the least. Its seemingly directionless aim has alienated allies and emboldened our enemies without any demonstrable goals. The Arab Spring has done nothing to coagulate freedom and or democracy in the Middle East, in fact, it has left a power vacuum in Libya and Egypt. Encouraged Islamists are on the march and Christian persecution is at a near genocidal scale throughout eastern Africa, the Middle East and Indonesia.

The Egyptians have, at least, realized their mistaken embrace of the Muslim Brotherhood, whom the Obama administration helped ensconce and appear to want a Mulligan in the apparent hope for a more secular government that will be more tourist friendly—Egypt’s primary economic engine.

Barack Obama: US ‘won’t retreat from the world’

The US won’t retreat? We already have and are in the very process of retreat! We’re leaving Afghanistan and we should have stayed in Iraq to control that airspace instead of capitulating it to Iran—big mistake that will bite us near the short hairs!

Speaking of Iran, they have a “new” president, Hasan Rouhani. The Obama administration is hopeful that they can work with Iran’s new leader—in name only. However, Rouhani may not be the agreeable statesman that was hoped for. Take into account the selections for his cabinet who, according to the estimable American media, are “reform minded or moderate technocrats”. Mahmoud Alavi, Mr. Rouhani’s choice for minister of intelligence said, “Sacrificing life is easy for a nation in which a culture of martyrdom has been institutionalized,” at a ceremony last fall. “The Iranian nation . . . will never back down against the arrogance.” On Iranian state TV in October Alavi said: “The Americans can’t even take on the pupils of our revolution, namely Hezbollah and Hamas. How dare they even consider a plot against our nation when twice they’ve been defeated by our pupils?”

Mostafa Pourmohammadi, Iran’s new minister of justice said, “With our actions and our resistance, we have cornered the arrogance. We have severely frightened and confused the arrogance.”

The “arrogance”  in both instances is the United States. On May 8, 2013, while Mr. Rouhani was campaigning for the presidency he gave a speech in the city of Karaj and said, “Saying ‘Death to America’ is easy. We need to express ‘Death to America’ with action. Saying it is easy.” 

I don’t think that the Obama administration is going to get the cooperation they hoped for with Iranian president Rouhani.

America as Pill Bug. Closing our embassies was prudent in the short term. But what message does it send? – Victor Davis Hanson

What signal does closing our embassies send? What if the “specific threat” that the security gurus claimed was forthcoming was a ruse? The terrorists must be laughing themselves silly.

Obama on threats: ‘We don’t get terrorized’

If we weren’t being terrorized then we wouldn’t find the need to close our embassies. If we weren’t being terrorized we wouldn’t have had the casualties that resulted from the bombing at the Boston Marathon or the “workplace violence” at Fort Hood! This is beyond ridiculous, beyond cowardice … this is negligence in the first degree!

But al Qaeda is “decimated”? Someone forgot to tell them that they were impotent and to stay home …

Obama/Biden Montage: We “Decimated Al Qaeda”

Is there a considerable alternative reason that the President chose to close up shop? A note of irony: we can close down our embassies abroad, but we can’t shut down the government—we have to keep spending exorbitant amounts of money? We really do not know the true motivations of Barack Obama … but his track record of appeasement and the wake of destruction behind him do little to build our confidence

WOW! – IS THIS THE REASON? Night of Power and Barack Obama

IF … the President is a Muslim he must not be a very good one … because they don’t respect him. They don’t fear him. They are devoted to Alla and jihad and nothing Obama says or does is going to altar their vision or their intent. What I think is inconsequential, but what Islamists think is not; Obama is kuffar … he is the Great Satan.

Obama the great 9