Category Archives: Immigration

Indefensible Duplicity, Pt. 2

 A Obama sadThe ONE, who waited for himself …

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Another week, another scandalous revelation; the Obama administration is as duplicitous as is possible. Everything is made political to enhance Obama’s ‘advantage’ and if blows up in his face, then it is because the Tea Party is racist. This is becoming a regular occurrence.

This week we find out that Obama is importing and distributing illegal aliens, most of them children, from South America and dumping them in various cities around the country. Then sending them lawyers to force those states to give them redress of their immigrant situation.

SEE ALSO: Border Patrol changing diapers, heating baby formula for surge of children

A Obama immigrants-reuters(Reuters Photo from FOX Nation)

DHS on Border Crisis: We Will ‘Act in Best Interest of the Child’

The amazing thing is to watch them twist themselves into a pretzel, while trying to convince us that this all good for the American economy. It dilutes employment opportunities and they will be recruited to become Democrat voters via the bureaucracies with auto sign-up programs like ‘motor voter’ … Obama told a group of potential donors at a recent fundraiser that,“… these ‘dreamkids’ are the country’s future”(paraphrased).

Why are the rest of our country’s children the ‘future’ of America?

Joe Biden: U.S. needs ‘constant, unrelenting stream’ of immigrants

This is scurrilous!

Lois Lerner’s “Lost” Emails

Also this week, we are then informed that Lois Learner’s emails were all hopelessly ‘lost’ due to a faulty hardrive that crashed. Oh my, how inconvenient. I sure am disappointed in that load of excrement. How about you?

IRS says it lost key Lerner emails

Then, last but not least, we see the Islamic extremists, ISIS are on the march from Syria and heading for Baghdad post haste. It seems that more of Obama’s ingenious foreign policy has just slipped through the sieve again.

FLASHBACK: Obama Team Predicted Rosy Future for Iraq in Congressional Testimony
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NBC: ‘Nightmare scenario’ for U.S. unfolding in Iraq

Everything this malcontent touches turns to bat dung and it is always the fault of the Tea Party, who isn’t even a real ‘party’ in the sense of the word. They are the only third of the country who is paying attention to what is really happening to our country and who is responsible. I find myself short of words. The lawlessness that is being perpetrated by our President is appalling …

 … Obama has a pen and a phone … a girl’s bicycle with a goofy looking helmet …

 A Obama-bikeIndefensible Duplicity, Pt. 1

Pat Condell: Sweden Goes Insane

Sweden goes insane
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Indefensible Duplicity, Pt. 1

A duplicity-77882686Opinion by AAABTonto:

Nearly everything that we see and hear in the media has or is becoming politicized and twisted to provide the viewer with a preordained conclusion. It takes some due diligence to separate the peppercorns from the rabbit pellets if you want to gain an authentic perspective of our current circumstance locally, nationally or internationally. It takes persistence, knowledge and awareness.

We have allowed each new generation of Americans to grow up with less of an education than the previous generation. We have a population that is nearly historically illiterate. Thus, they have nothing to compare themselves to; for them, history began when they were born. They are ‘lost in time’.

History is my favorite scholastic subject, because it contains all of the other subjects. It is fascinating beyond description and to disregard it, is a fool’s errand. Now that the Progressive Movement has provided us an entire nation of gullible minions, the powerful can practice their duplicity with impunity. The masses can be hypnotized by the bright shiny object and whipped into a frenzy over the tiniest of situations. The MSM can aim their spray-foam propaganda at will and flagrantly ignore the most obvious facts in evidence simply by calling someone, who thinks differently than they do, a racist, homophobe, tea-bagger or any of a number of other scurrilous names. Yet, when a conservative CORRECTLY labels a Marxist a Marxist, the conservative is once again berated, stepped on and dragged through the mud.

What is duplicity, duplicitous behavior?

noun \du̇-ˈpli-sə-tē also dyu̇-\

: dishonest behavior that is meant to trick someone

1 : contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; especially : the belying of one’s true intentions by deceptive words or action
2 : the quality or state of being double or twofold
3 : the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal action

Politicians have practiced the art of duplicity for centuries. It is nothing new. In fact the assault on American Liberty has waged on since before its inception. If we could manage to get some actual history taught in our schools again, we could teach our children to recognize it. And therein lies the problem; the fox is guarding the hen house—the Progressive Leftists are in charge of our children’s education. They feign compassion, concern and talk of improved results, while dumbing the students down and indoctrinating them into victimolgy and group think. There is abundant evidence to prove this; look at the curriculum, fewer art and music classes, no tolerance policies, food Nazis in the lunchrooms, no ‘winning’ in sports. This is all a bunch of namby-pamby falderal and it is duplicitous!

Dana Loesch on Common Core

The Left’s Common Core claim is to make graduating students  ‘job ready’, but these kids aren’t even reading at the 8th grade level when they leave high school and it IS BY DESIGN! The Progressive Left doesn’t want citizens who can think for themselves; that’s inconvenient at times. They need Pavlovian shrews, who can be made to go along when required. The Obama administration is entirely dependent on their low-information voting base. They want ignorant serfs, who are dependent on government subsidies, voting for the continuation of their EBT privileges, housing or other govt. assistance.

A dupicitous obama-kool-aid Rules for thee but not for me …

 In the same way they are trying to grow their base by indoctrinating our children in our schools, the ruling class, beltway elites are doing their damnedest to ram ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ down our throats in order to create more government dependent Democrat voters. And amazingly, some of the GOP’s top dogs are going right along with it—because they’re in on it. They don’t want to disrupt the gravy train, they just want a chance to be the engineer—they want to drive the train.

We … want to derail it!

The following audio-video provides us the opportunity to witness the collision of low-information logic with the ‘comprehensive immigration reform/amnesty’  issue:

Mark Steyn vs. ultra low-information pro-amnesty caller

We have very steep hill to climb and we’re going to be fought the entire distance. We need some ‘cultural first responders’ to spread the good word of Liberty and we can begin to undo more than a century worth of damage wrought by Progressives and their endless meddling in the affairs of others.


Sinister Obama 1To be continued …

PJTV: A Bundy Boo Boo … or Liberal Media Mendacity?

PJTV: A Bundy Boo Boo…Or Liberal Media Mendacity?
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Pat Condell: The EU’s Theft of Democracy

Pat Condell: The EU’s Theft of Democracy
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Megyn Kelly’s Epic Smackdown of CAIR!

Ibrahim Hooper Kelly File Cair Spokesman HEATED DEBATE Over Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Megyn Kelly Ibrahim Hooper Kelly File PART 2. Kelly Hooper Cair Spokesman HEATED DEBATE
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CAIR Reacts to Megyn Kelly’s Epic Smackdown!
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The Sun Revolves Around the Earth

Senior Saudi Cleric Al-Fawzan: The Sun Revolves around the Earth
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Do Muslims Respect Jesus?
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Doing the “Right” Thing – Some of Muhammad’s Handy Teachings
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Saving the Republic

A Gadsden flag 2

“The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”
– James Madison, speech in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1794

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Obama’s ideology and his disregard of the law has put liberty into a tailspin. American exceptionalism is evaporating like a bottle of rubbing alcohol left open. I think it is obvious that Obama’s original desire–even before his election, was to destroy the American persona and remake it in is own, selfish, socialist design. He is on the wrong side of every issue. Now, you are entitled to your opinion, but Obama is either diabolical or he incredibly incompetent. Which is it? The man is eviscerating our stable of experienced military minds for generals who have an idealistic fondness of Obama’s agenda. Chuck Hagel is proposing the most pathetic defense budget plan put forth in seven decades. He is flagrantly imposing derision upon military families whose faith is Christian and unconstitutionally inhibiting their right express themselves religiously.

The Obama “sequester” (and he owns it—that was his baby) has devastated military funding; but the Navy is ‘required’ to run on bio-fuels, which I am told, are now 5 times the cost of diesel. The congress just cut pensions for disabled veterans. There is no love for our military in this administration as they propose to cut their funding further.

We should be strengthening our resolve. We should be tightening our belts and streamlining our budgets. Gathering extra supplies, strengthening our defenses, building redundancies into our infra structure and our emergency response systems. We have oodles of redundancies in our govt. social programs, but we can’t cut any of that. No, we have to take money from brave warriors, who are now wheelchair bound.

Sinister Obama 1

We have an administration, whose idealism has them so blind to reality, that there appears to be no way to lead them back some more pragmatic view of our circumstance. Look at the administration’s response to the bombings in Volgograd before the Olympics that killed at least 31 people:

“In terms of security for Sochi, U.S. citizens planning to attend should remain alert regarding their personal security at all times. I think our security experts have said that criminal activity in Sochi is similar to other cities of comparable size. Obviously, major events such as the Olympic games are an opportunity for thieves or for other folks who want to cause mischief,” said State Department, spokeswoman Marie Harf.

I don’t think blowing people to pieces falls under the category of mischief, but then the administration says that Benghazi is a false controversy. Does this sound like every other response the White House has offered when some significant event interferes with their vision of reality?

Obama Warns Russia Violating Ukraine Sovereignty VIDEO 2/28/2014

And now Russia is invading the Ukraine and Obama is shaking his useless finger at Putin, while Putin does whatever he damn well pleases. Obama is an embarrassment to this nation.

Even the President’s signature legislation, the Affordable Healthcare Act, is a complete and utter disaster. The President lied bout it and he continues to lie. This is where even the people who voted for this fraud are starting to feel the pain.

The accident has already happened and we have spun out of control—we just haven’t hit anything solid yet.

“Resolved, that the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government . . . whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.”
– Thomas Jefferson, /Draft Kentucky Resolutions/ [1798]

Obama’s ambitions and his policies are reckless militarily, socially, economically, diplomatically etc. We are ignoring the obvious ideological conflicts that are keeping us from dealing with our circumstance effectively. To complicate that, Obama admin has embraced the false pretense of AGW a nonexistent problem. So, we can’t speak the truth, we are embracing a climate ‘sham’, we are self-mutilating our healthcare system, denuding our defenses and teaching our children to be idiot serfs. Our future is not bright.

A commie barack_obama

Socialism doesn’t work. It has never worked at any time in history. Free markets and individuality are not a part of socialism. Obama isn’t stimulating the markets he is printing more money and therefore diluting its value. He is regulating businesses to paralysis.

Obama is at least a Muslim sympathizer and he shows no concern for the Christian genocide being perpetrated by Muslims around the world. Islam is incongruent with Western societies—Islam is intolerant of gays, music, art and free speech. Free markets and individuality are not a part of Islam and it isn’t Islamophobic to be critical of Islam. But, Obama says it is his duty as POTUS to defend anyone who portrays Islam in a bad light. If only that damnable, racist, tea Party would stop mucking things up!

Tea party 2It isn’t the Tea Party that is destroying America—it is the Tea Party trying to stop the destruction of America. I know I am not saying anything new here, but we have to keep an inventory of our circumstance in order to properly and thoughtfully inform those who are just now realizing the seriousness of our nation’s predicament.

The President’s policies are causing inequality … economic opportunity and jobs are the antidote for inequality, not Obama’s psychotic socialist visions of utopia.

The states must restore the balance of power and I think Mark Levin has the answer. The Founders installed an emergency brake handle in the Constitution; we just need to break the glass and pull the damn thing!

Article V
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

Mark Levin “The Liberty Amendments” – (COMPLETE) Sean Hannity Special – Fox News – 8-16-13

Mark Levin is probably America’s number one defender of liberty and the Constitution. The Left despises him and would love to silence him. It has been suggested that conservative talk radio is angry, mean and volatile, when it really is not. Serious subjects are discussed, factual evidence is hashed over and sincere passion is demonstrated where liberty is concerned. Logic is paired with morality and “feelings” do not trump reality. Conservatism is not an ideology, it is a way of life; it employs the combination of experience and knowledge, or “wisdom,” to guide one through life’s tumult of good and bad experiences. Individual responsibility is the primary order of the day and you don’t need government to make that happen. The Left thinks government should be involved in every aspect of your life and conservatives want the govt. to stay the hell out of their lives.

Tyranny’s encroachment on liberty is vile and unacceptable. Progressivism and Islam must be made to back down. If that’s how YOU want to live, then go to that place on the planet that subscribes to your beliefs and enjoy. DO NOT make me change MY way of life in order to suit YOUR beliefs. America was never intended to be “fundamentally transformed” by some adolescent ego maniac.

“I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush [September 23, 1800]

American flag 2