McDermott’s Condescension and Gerritson’s Inspiration

McDermott’s Insulting Remarks During IRS Hearing

McDermott Remarks on IRS Hearing

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Many of you remember Jim McDermott as “Bagdad Jim” … the happy congressman who sided with Sadam Hussein in the Iraq war? Well, the esteemed Representative Jim McDermott spoke at the Ways and Means Committee Hearing on Organizations Singled Out by the IRS and scolded the witnesses for applying for their group’s tax exemptions and then chided them for thinking that they should be subsidized with government money.

This may be the most outrageous and condescending thing I have ever heard in my life and it is beyond infuriating. These people were exercising their right to participate in politics and free speech entirely within the confines of the law. They were singled out solely for their beliefs as Christians and conservatives. The IRS admitted this and yet, Jim ‘pompous ass’ McDermott felt it necessary to literally wag his finger at these people and blame them for their victimization. Further more, these people weren’t asking for “free money” from the government–they fund the government! Apparently Jim has forgotten just where in the hell the government gets its money!

The citizens provide the government with their funding and the government is supposed to be the servant of the people. It is quite obvious that McDermott does not respect this fact and neither do the rest of the beltway clowns whose elitist conceit entitles them to lord their power over us. It is time to show them just who is really in charge. Both Republicans and Democrats despise the Tea Party, because the Tea Party is going to upset the beltway applecart.

Mark Styn filled in for Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday and called for completely overhauling the tax system and suggested requiring judicial approval for certain actions regarding tax collection.

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Wetumpka Tea Party President Becky Gerritson said it best:

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Mark Levin Show 6/4/2013

american flag

David Axelrod: IRS Scandal Too ‘Stupid’ To Be Politically Motivated

You have to be kidding me …

David Axelrod Dismisses IRS Scandal On NBC Too ‘Stupid’ To Be Politically Motivated

Opinion by AAABTonto:

David ‘Broken’ Axelrod is another arrogant, pompous, left-wing ass who is so out of touch with reality that words cannot adequately describe his narcissistic delusions. He thinks we are the idiots. 157 visits to the White House for the former chief of the IRS, an admission that the Tea Party and pro-life organizations were targeted and this arrogant bastard thinks we are going to believe his reasoning that this thing was not motivated by vengeful politics? Give me oxygen!

Transcripts: IRS targeting deliberate and political

Not only is it painfully obvious that conservatives are being politically persecuted, but our own tax dollars are funding the perpetrators of this abuse!

Issa: IRS Targeting of Conservatives Directed by Washington

But wait, there is even more absurdity!

Rep. Serrano (D-NY): After Scandals, IRS Deserves More Funding, Not Less


“This subcommittee has been given an allocation of $16.9 billion for fiscal year 2014, which is almost $3 billion below the current sequester-impacted level. Undoubtedly, this is going to result in massive cuts to the IRS and many other federal agencies.

While there are certainly efficiencies that can occur, the spending issue comes to mind. The IRS simply cannot sustain itself with this overall funding level. Although I am certain there are some who would view this as a good step, I disagree. There is no clearer way to promote more scandals than by cutting funding that could be used for oversight, training and reform. At the level this subcommittee is funded right now, we’re just asking for more trouble at the IRS and elsewhere.”

This brainchild thinks we should give them more of our money when we just found out that they are targeting us for our political beliefs and they are spending it on themselves for lavish hotel stays, parties, making goofy movies and line dancing!

Treasury finds IRS spent $50M on conferences in 3 years

head is going to explode 1Aaarggghhh!!!

Over-site my pasty white posterior! Dissolve the IRS and replace it with a fair tax and be done with it! Then we can be free of their damnable social architecture once and for all! This is so infuriating that I feel another head ‘splosion coming on! In addition to all of that happiness is another revelation that the former IRS chief’s wife was involved with the “Occupy Movement” and despised the Tea Party.

Former IRS Chief’s Wife Is a Committed #Occupy Loon & Tea Party Basher

Of course David Plouffe didn’t want to be left out of the crazy-talk so he piled on with Axelrod and expects us all to be mollified with more absurd speculations that this scandal wasn’t politically motivated–it’s just amazing when it is patently flagrant. David Plouff:

“No one has indicated at all that the White House is involved. The IRS director was appointed under President [George W.] Bush, served under both presidents, attested…. So this was not a political pursuit.”

Plouffe on IRS targeting conservatives: ‘Not a political pursuit,’ Rove: ‘Baloney’


Islam Is Dividing Us

Republican students bullied out of their own event ...

Islam Supporters Bully College Republicans Out Of Their Own Event (Full Version)

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Islamists, Socialists Eject Videographer From Public Event

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This sickens me. The more we attempt to educate people on the truth about Islam the more the Left, Muslim sympathizers and Islamic radicals attempt to squelch said truths. It isn’t a crime to be critical of Islam, no more than it is a crime to be critical of Christianity. Yet, here we have a crystalline example of how political correctness perpetuates propaganda and misinformation.

Robert Spencer:

… the film Obsession, which the College Republicans were trying to show, is a tepid and half-hearted presentation of the jihad threat, marred by the usual politically correct whitewashes.

So the movie they were attempting to show does not even explain the true implications of Islam as might learn if you follow Robert Spencer, David Wood, Pamela Geller or Frank Gaffney. How soon will it be before they come for them? How soon will it be before they come for Tonto? We have no hatred for Muslims. What we have is an awareness that Islam is a very real threat to our sovereignty–both personally and politically. Islam is as much a threat to our liberty as is the Obama administration itself–and they are the ultimate Muslim sympathizers!

DoJ places a chill on criticism of Islam


‘Whip Some Head’ – ‘It is not Against the Law to Leak Classified Information’

‘Whip Some Head’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I think this video speaks for itself … Obama and Holder are Gods and their slavish minions are willing to allow them ANY transgression of the law in order for him to succeed. After all, to be critical of either of these two is “racist”!

It’s not illegal to leak classified information? Only if you’re the President and he has taken full advantage of that luxury at every opportunity–and it may have cost the lives of Seal Team 6 …

What happened to SEAL Team Six? The most serious scandal of all …

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