Immigration Reform in One Infographic


Immigration Reform in One Infographic


The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill on Tuesday. It will go to the Senate floor after the Memorial Day recess. Heritage has pointed out the problems with this “comprehensive” approach — including the staggering costs of amnesty and a failure to secure the border.

SHARE this infographic to spread the word about immigration reform that works.

Who Is Lois Lerner?

Lois Lerner, Christian basher ….

Lois Lerner Sued Christian Coalition In Largest FEC Action in History – And She Lost

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Mercy sakes … the plot thickens as we begin to peel back the mottled layers of these rotten onions of scandal and deceit. I am ashamed of what the Left has been allowed to do to this once great country. In whose warped imagination would one have ever believed that our government would be targeting its citizens for their religious and pro-constitutional beliefs? I thought we had learned this lesson in the example of what the Nazis did to Germany prior to WWII–I guess not.

Now that the truth is beginning to see the light of day, I believe that we are soon to discover that these recently disclosed scandals are just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much blood in the water that I find it almost impossible for the President NOT to be directly involved.

IRS’s Lerner Had History of Harassment, Inappropriate Religious Inquiries at FEC

Now we can surmise where the IRS found the inclination to ask some conservative groups seeking tax free status “what was in the content of their prayers.” It appears that Miss Lerner has quite a pedigree of persecuting Christians and conservatives–well practiced at the Federal Election Commission. Isn’t that special …

We have been lied to from the get-go by this administration–a vengeful, cold, power-hungry and ruthless gang of socialist demagogues hellbent on raping America’s liberty and ensconcing a ‘members only’ oligarchy for the progressive elite. Lois Lerner is so damnably arrogant she can’t even take the Fifth without lecturing those who dare to question her leadership at the IRS.

Nevertheless she has defenders; The Daily Beast  published an article entitled “IRS Scandal’s Central Figure, Lois Lerner, Described as ‘Apolitical.’” Apolitical my 3rd shift posterior! This is all a feeble attempt at distraction. We all know who is at the top of the food chain here. Sinister Obama 1

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Dumb Jackass Blames Republicans for Oklahoma Tornado

A dumb jackass blames Republicans for Oklahoma Tornado Dem Senator Sheldon Whitehouse Rips Republicans for Global Warming using Oklahoma Tragedy

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I know I shouldn’t blog when I am tired and grouchy, but when I heard this moron spew his progressive pabulum  puke and politicize this awful tragedy in Oklahoma, I just about came unglued.

The good Senator Whitehouse, from Rhode Island, decided to vomit a plethora of absurdities insinuating that the tornado that ravaged Moore, Oklahoma on Monday was a result of climate denier’s irresponsibility in not accepting that global warming is a scientific fact–it is a proven hoax!  He says we (Republicans & conservatives–we’re the ones from the Midwest) “drag America with us to our fate,” because we haven’t accepted the HOAX that is “man-made global warming”? This dumb jackass should be made to apologize to each and every person who lives in the region “tornado alley.” We live with the potential for tornadic storms year round and they are a normal occurrence in nature.

Every damn time something happens–and weather happens by the way, we get some rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth loon blaming it on global warming. The fact is that there is no man-made global warming, hurricanes and tornadic activity are scarce right now and we are actually experiencing a “global cooling.”

But to hell with all of that, we have to blame the Republicans for something while the President is up to eyeballs in scandals. The good senator couldn’t find time to offer prayers or condolences to the people of the great state of Oklahoma–he would rather use this moment for his own political gratification.

This bastard has a lot of nerve telling us that he doesn’t want a “disgraced Republican Party” when the idiot is a Democrat and his disgraced president is destroying America without the help of tornadic winds! Take a long walk off of a short pier, Senator Whitehouse!

Shameless RI Senator Blames Conservatives For OK Tornado–The Doctor of Common Sense has an opinion ….

Feel free to contact Senator Sheldon dumb ass Whitehouse here:

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Somali Journalist: Sweden ‘More Dangerous Than Mogadishu’

Somali journalist flees to Mogadishu from Sweden for reasons of safety …

Somali Journalist: PC-Media makes Sweden “more dangerous than Mogadishu”

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Politically correct Sweden is years ahead of us on the highway to Islamization, I am quite sure that most Americans are clueless as to what may be in store for us if we don’t pull our heads out the sand.
