When a Liar Bitches About Being Lied To …

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Obama crying like a little baby after gun-control amendments failed in Senate

President Obama took to the Rose Garden yesterday to bitch and moan and piss and groan because the Senate did not pass his precious “Gun Control” legislation. He claimed lies were told and the “gun lobby” had managed to fear-monger the Senate into not passing his “common sense” assault on the Bill of Rights.

Mr. President, we already have “background checks,” and a gazillion other laws to prevent gun violence, and you don’t enforce them. Your lousy approach to gun violence is on full display in your own home town of Chicago, where gun laws are the strictest in the nation, and gun violence is through the roof.

Furthermore, Mr. President, you have a lot of nerve wagging your finger and complaining that this legislation that failed in the Senate yesterday was lied about. Mr. President, you haven’t told us the truth about Benghazi. You haven’t told us the truth about Fast and Furious. You lied to us about the transparency of your administration, the contents and cost of your HealthCare Bill, your bankrupt Green Energy scandals, and about a hundred other things that could fill the rest of this page.

Fact is, Mr. President, YOU are a LIAR and this country is not yours to “fundamentally transform.” You are the most miserable, money-squandering failure to ever stain the Oval Office and you disgust me. You have failed our men and women in Uniform and you have failed to defend the Constitution–indeed; you have attacked the Constitution. You, sir, are a failure.

The President’s whiny Rose Garden Response in full (13:43)

You claim 90% of the American people supported more “gun control.” But they do not, or it would have passed. You are the one who is politicizing this by parading the parents of the Sandy Hook victims as “props” and using them as pawns for your political gain. If I’m not mistaken Mr. President, looks like you can’t handle being told “no” for once in your spoiled-ass life!

The Bill of Rights was defended yesterday, Mr. President. Get over it. Or, better yet, resign the Presidency. You’re not worthy …

Proglodyte Hatemongerin’

Chris Matthews blames The Far Right for the Boston Marathon Bombing

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Chris Matthews blames The Far Right for the Boston Marathon Bombing

Every time America experiences an act of violence like yesterday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon, the shooting at Aurora, Colorado or Newtown, Connecticut, conservatives are treated to a never ending barrage of belligerent blame. The lefty, malcontent, media maggots slither out of their slime sockets to rail against the obviously right-wing, gun toting, Bible clinging, racist homophobe who has decided to take vengeance on the rest of society … except that the perpetrator never turns out to be a “right wing extremist” of any sort!

I am sick of it …

There isn’t any-damn-thing that is “extremist” about wanting smaller government, adherence to the rule of law, a return to Constructional principles and the preservation of basic morals in society. Conservatives are not imposing their will upon anyone in that regard—indeed, they are trying to preserve the concept of liberty in the face of the Progressive Left’s imposition of ever-more rules, regulations, restrictions and limitations on every aspect of our lives. Conservatives aren’t the ones who are telling you what you can have to eat, what kind of light bulbs you can have, how much soda you can drink, cigarettes you can smoke or guns you can have.

Progressive liberal Democrats (Proglodytes) are imposing those decrees and I have had a belly full. When the dust settles and the investigators have done their work, we may or may not be told the truth, but I would be willing to bet that the perpetrator of this heinous act will not be a right-wing, gun toting, Bible clinging, racist homophobe. The bomber will be a soulless cretin who believes that he was ordained to punish America by the false Prophet of his supremist religion or his own perverted belief that he has a superior perspective and therefore can grant himself the authority to take the lives of others as he sees fit.

2013 Boston Marathon Actual video of the Explosion

My thoughts an prayers are with the friends and family of the victims of this despicable act of cowardice–but I suppose that that is racist, intolerant, insensitive and extremist …

If We Can Save Just One Child

Opinion by AAABTonto:

“If we can save just one child” is paramount when discussing gun control, but irrelevant to late-term abortion. The Progressive movement is turgid with hypocrisy. They constantly rewrite history to suit their point of view and always proclaim the heinous guilt of the Republican Party, conservatives and Christians.

“Gun Control is just common sense,” the Proglodytes tout, but all it does is place restrictions on those of us that are ready abiding by the law. We already have background checks and a bazillion other laws to “restrict” illegal procurement of firearms. The damn problem is that these existing laws are not enforced. Congress is obsessed with manufacturing additional law, regardless of its redundancy; to make themselves feel good, and look good—so they can say they “did something.” All they are really accomplishing is the continual erosion of liberty.

The media ignores the truth and anything that might force them to examine the folly of their perverted convictions. Look at this headline from the trial of a modern day Mengalla, Dr.Goshnell, who is a abortionist on trial for murdering babies who escaped the womb before they were terminated:

Disgrace: Empty ‘Reserved Media Seating’ at Abortion Doc Multiple Murder Trial


Krauthammer’s Take: No Coverage of Gosnell Trial Because it Puts Abortion Issue in ‘Stark Relief’

Progressives don’t care about the children, they care about one thing and that is their agenda–power. The only “choice” they support involves the taking of innocent life, otherwise they believe that they alone have the authority to decide for the rest of us, no matter what the concern might be. They want to tell us what light bulbs we can have, what cars we can drive, what food we can eat, what kind of health insurance we need and they definitely don’t think we need to have the right to own firearms.

This is the “fundamental transformation” that Obama craves–to decide for you, because you aren’t smart enough to decide for yourself. You are not to be trusted with your own free will and Obama wants the government to make sure you make decisions that benefit the oligarchical elites, not yourself or your family.

You see it doesn’t matter what the subject is, your liberty is an impasse to Obama and the Progressive agenda.

Mark Levin on ‘Blithering Idiot’ Harris-Perry MSNBC Ad ‘Straight Out Of Communist Manifesto’

Mark Levin on ‘Blithering Idiot’ Harris-Perry MSNBC Ad ‘Straight Out Of Communist Manifesto’ (audio)

No! The children are not the “community’s” and we have invested ungodly amounts of money in education that is sucked up by the teacher’s unions and bureaucracies and turns our children into little indoctrinates of victimology. There is no history taught anymore, because the Proglodytes are rewriting that to suit their political agenda. They don’t care to teach children to think for themselves; they teach them to think the way they want them to think–that the government is their provider and that conservatives and Christians are the ruin of the world!

Jay Carney Quotes Obama On Guns Twitter Goes Crazy – ‘If One Child’s Life Can Be Saved We Must Take

The Bill of Rights is something for which many American children (we are all children) have given their life’s blood for and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Liberty is bigger than life. The Founders knew this well and they also knew that men like Obama would someday challenge it. It is up to us now. It is ours to defend for our children’s futures!

“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”
– Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 4, September 11, 1777

We’ve Been Date-Raped by the Senate RINOs

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The Republican Party could screw up a train wreck. Are you frustrated? I am frustrated; the Republican Party is dysfunctional. They don’t really care about limited government or their conservative base. They apparently are quite comfortable with being submissive to the progressive Democrats as long as they remain ensconced in their beltway cocoon.

Mitch McConnell got it right, but he failed to coral his fellow Republican senators in following his lead. Senator Mitch McConnell Explains Why He Will Vote AGAINST Gun Control Bill:

Senator Mitch McConnell Explains Why He Will Vote AGAINST Gun Control Bill

So, what would happen; would the senate Republicans defend the Bill of Rights and the 2nd Amendment? Or would they cave in to the shameless politicization of the Newtown massacre?

From Rush Limbaugh’s show on 4/12/2013:

RUSH: I got an instant message this morning from a friend of mine who said, “Do you think the Republicans are gonna cave on gun control?” Now, I will be honest with you about what I wrote back, before knowing anything. I mean, I’m aware of the latest, the proposed filibuster and all the debate arguments pro and con. I know what the Democrats want. They want to get guns out of the hands of everybody that’s got them legally. I know the drill. You do, too. I don’t care what they say. I don’t care about their denials. They wish the Second Amendment wasn’t there.

They don’t care what polling data is; they just want control. So I wrote back, and I said, “Well, can you give me any evidence to suggest they won’t cave on gun control?”

The friend wrote back, said, “What do you mean?”

I said, “Well, pick an issue, budget issue, name one. Where have the Republicans, at the end of the day, if not caved, sacrificed greatly in order to forge an agreement?”

There is one instance. They didn’t buckle going into the sequester, and they’re being blamed for the sequester when it was Obama’s idea. So there is that. They did hold firm to that. I wrote back and I said, “The way I’m thinking right now, the Democrats want gun control. The media wants gun control. The Republicans want to be loved by the media, therefore we’re gonna get gun control.”

I think it’s shameless — shameful — this regime, the way they use victims, poor people, as props and pawns. I just saw that a parent of a child killed at Sandy Hook is gonna give the weekly presidential address on Saturday. It’s shameful. You know exactly what the purpose of it’s gonna be. “Well, aren’t you doing the same thing, Rush, you’re taking calls.” No, no, no, no. I’m not dragging people in. I’m not politicizing leukemia. I’m not using leukemia, the Cure-A-Thon here, to advance my political ideas.

I’m not exploiting people that have this disease for the advancement of anything I believe. We are self-contained here. Everything we’re doing in raising money to cure the blood cancers is just that: raise money to cure the blood cancers. I’m not trying to defeat some presidential bill at the same time. Or I’m not trying to advance some Republican idea. So I wouldn’t exploit people that way, and I wouldn’t exploit you. But that’s just me.


… and the Republicans capitulated …

Listen to Harry Reid kiss John McCain’s ass for urinating on the Bill of Rights. Harry Reid isn’t even proceeding with this legislation in a legal manner. Amendments to the constitution require both the House of Representatives and the Senate approve by a two-thirds supermajority vote, a joint resolution amending the Constitution. Amendments so approved do not require the signature of the President of the United States and are sent directly to the states for ratification. Three-fourths of the state legislatures approve said amendment.

Harry Reid is way out of bounds!

Senate Votes To Move Forward On Gun Control Legislation

Samuel adams“That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms … “
– Samuel Adams, Debates and Proceedings in the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, at 86-87 (Pierce & Hale, eds., Boston, 1850)


Ronald Reagan 1

Welcome to worldOtonto where we will begin to help America get both hands on its center of gravity … I am an artist, photographer and architectural designer. I love my country and I want to see it restored to original Constitutional status as the Founders envisioned. I became eligible to vote in 1980 and cast my first ever presidential vote for Ronald Reagan and I am damn proud to have done so. Reagan had it right and we need to return to the principles that he lived by.

I have never understood my fellow artisan’s love affair with the progressive left and their endearment of socialism. Socialism has failed everywhere and every time it has been employed throughout history and the first thing a socialist totalitarian does upon assuming power is to round up all of the artists, poets and thinkers and have them killed or imprisoned. So why do so may artist types align themselves with the Left? I would think that they would prefer the advantages of liberty.


This site is “under construction” and I hope to have much more of completed very soon. All good things to all good people and …

God bless America!

Lynyrd Skynyrd – Things Goin’ On