This is Not America

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for speaking out of turn

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I have to tell you, there are many things I see that anger me, but not very many that make me come out of my chair swinging. This video is evidence of the Progressive Left’s superiority complex. This man did NOTHING to warrant his removal from the meeting much less his being arrested.

The meeting was centered around a new curriculum that is being implemented in public schools throughout the country called “common core”.  Critics of this this new curriculum contend that it lowers scholastic expectations and is less challenging. This trend is evidenced in by the dilution of academic material in public education over the past 3 decades. More is taught about former president Bill Clinton than is taught about World War Two.

Robert Small, age 46, was one of the only parents who possessed the courage to speak up, despite the many other parents cheering him on.

“Look, I am being manhandled and shut down because I asked inconvenient questions,” Small declared. “Why won’t they allow an open forum where there can be a debate? We are told to sit there and be lectured to about how great common core is.”

As he was being removed, Small said, “Don’t stand for this. You are sitting here like cattle.” Then he said, “Is this America?”

The Baltimore Sun reported that he was taken to the Towson precinct and detained. Small was charged with second-degree assault of a police officer—a fine of $2,500 and up to 10 years in prison, and disturbing a school operation—a fine of $2,500 and up to six months. So, asking a poignant question is unruly? Being a concerned parent is criminal?

I sincerely hope that Mr. Robert Small has retained legal council and planning to file suit against the school board in question, the arresting officer and the municipality of jurisdiction.  He is entitled to his 1st Amendment right to speak and I think the other parents present should have done more to protest the situation. More here:

Maryland parent was physically removed from meeting and charged with second-degree assault on a police officer after questioning “common core” curriculum.

The arrogance of the Progressive Left has no limits and they don’t seem to have any problem with just shutting you up as opposed to debating you in a civilized, honest forthright manner. No, take the none-believer away, he isn’t thinking “correctly” and should not be allowed to contaminate the rest of the people they are attempting to indoctrinate.

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn

Parent Arrested from Common Core Meeting for Speaking Out of Turn – See more at:

Parents questions unanswered at Common Core meeting

common core cartoon

Pat Condell: A Word to Left-wing Students

A word to left-wing students

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This is rich. There are few people willing to tell it like it is and Pat Condell is one of them. The Progressive Left is a form of devolution. It is not morally superior, it is in fact, inferior because the Left refuse to face the questions that would undermine their flawed beliefs. Their attempts to prevent those opposed to them from speaking belies their infallibility.