Category Archives: Voter ID

Disaster Incarnate

An Obama mad hatter

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The best we can do … $23 billion dollars over 10 years against $90 trillion of unfunded liability? The best they can do? You have to be kidding me? This recent budget agreement, that sent boneless Johnny Boehner to the podium to scold and reprimand conservative groups for their criticism of same—is a sham. The RINOs in Washington don’t want to change big government; they just want control of the joystick. They don’t give a damn about the little people.

Boehner, McConnell, McCain, Graham, Karl Rove, Chris Christie, Lamar Alexander and the whole slew of them, must go … I must admit to being somewhat slack jawed in the face of what is happening in Washington, DC. It is bewildering to say the least.

The President is out of control ….
The Judiciary is out of control …
The Fed is out of control ….
Congress is out of control ….
Bureaucracies are out of control …

Everything that is being done by our government (the Obama Administration) is eroding our economy, our liberty, our defense and every aspect of American exceptionalism. This is what a “fundamental transformation” looks like. It is the power grab of ObamaCare! How brazen can one be? Declare that “healthcare is a right” and then take over the health insurance industry with a monarchical decree and impose the “right of healthcare” with 16,000 new IRS enforcers, er’ navigators … er’ employees. Nothing about this entire disaster has been constitutional; not the vote, not its passage, not its implementation, not the Supreme Court’s opinion, nor Obama’s “special wavers” NONE OF IT!

And then, the Republican establishment pretends to have a cow when they are criticized for agreeing to this latest budget deal? The Tea Party is “interfering with the congress’ ability to get the people’s business done.” That is absurd—the Tea Party is the people. The citizens, the people are become the enemy …

Thomas jefferson 1“The purpose of a written constitution is to bind up the several branches of government by certain laws, which, when they transgress, their acts shall become nullities; to render unnecessary an appeal to the people, or in other words a rebellion, on every infraction of their rights, on the peril that their acquiescence shall be construed into an intention to surrender those rights.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia [1782] States of America, 1787

Everything Obama does subtracts, dissolves, divides and destroys the America that, has worked just fine without him, for 200 plus years. America has grown soft. Our technologies have spoiled us. Many Americans have forgotten what it means to be American … to make something with your own hands and only with what is readily available. Many modern Americans mistakenly believe someone owes them something, that someone is to blame for own miserable damned existence. They do not appreciate the experience of their predecessors.

A commie barack_obama
Do the math. Obama isn’t improving the economy, he is dismantling it. Obama isn’t improving healthcare, he redistributing it. Obama isn’t creating opportunity; he is cutting us all down to the same size. Obama has expanded the reach and power of the NSA, the EPA, IRS and countless other government agencies and he didn’t do it because he loves us. He is doing it because he believes in a centralized power structure that our Founders abhorred.

The Left, with Obama’s assistance, is belittling Christians and other peoples of faith (unless they’re Muslim) and they say nothing about the Muslim persecution of Christians and non-Muslims. If a white person assaults a black person it’s a hate crime, but if the reverse happens the crime is rarely prosecuted. Obama’s DOJ cherry picks the law they feel like enforcing in order to improve their political advantage.

All the while, the Republicans twiddle their thumbs and complain that what they are doing (nothing), is the best that they can do. The beltway, establishment Republicans are pathetic and the very next thing that they are going to tell us is that “comprehensive immigration reform” is the priority of the people. Nothing could be further from the truth and the very worst aspect of that tasty ball of cheese is that it will only help the Left by bringing them new voters. Yet, the RINOs will tell us that if we don’t compromise, the world will come to an end, because the New York Times will call us racists again and point more fingers at that damnable Neanderthal Tea Party!

Boehner: Far right has lost credibility

No, boneless Johnny. Your minions leaked that information about the budget deal because you knew that conservatives would be critical of it and you wanted a ledge from which to shout about how unreasonable they are! There isn’t a single conservative principle in this ridiculous budget, that curbs a lousy $23 billion over 10 fu-hunny–(I amost let’er rip) years, against a massive $90 trillion stack of unfunded liabilities. This damn deal sucks!

Boehner just made it clear. The Republicans are not going to rehabilitate themselves and therefore they must be removed and replaced just as if they were Democrats. Their replacements need to be constitutional conservatives, but replacing RINOs and Democrat socialists is not the entire solution to our problem. It is a beginning, however and Mark Levin sees the “break glass in case of emergency” handle (Article V), that the Founder’s installed in the Constitution for situations just like the one we find ourselves in now!

Mark Levin On Neil Cavuto – Fox News – The Liberty Amendments

The other half of this equation is that we need to win our culture back. We have to revive the ideal that Americans can walk out behind their house and with their own two hands and some dirt—make something happen! This country was wrought on the vision that we didn’t need the oligarchial baggage of the politically stale European societies. Now, Obama is hell-bent on forcing us to return to it!

Obama once said, “We tried their plan and it didn’t work.”

No, European politics are not a guide-path; they are a failure.That was a sound bite designed to girdle his redistribution of wealth—to erode the free market ideals of capitalism. The Progressive effort has incrementally taken bites out of our economic liberty over the past hundred years and it is that damage that has brought about economic crisis. Markets heal themselves, but the damned government has to get in there and meddle in things and it always makes the situation worse.

Socialism has failed everywhere and every time it has been employed throughout history and no amount of other people’s money is going to make it work—ever!

Walter E. Williams – Distinguished Economist at George Mason University and Syndicated Columnist

Black Self-Sabotage

Liberty and economic liberty are one in the same! Obama has no authority to “fundamentally transform” us and just voting for more Republicans is not going to fix things. We are going to have to get out there and make sure we get results in the coming midterm elections. God bless America.

A statue of liberty up to her ears

Plato“Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.”
– Plato

Al Sharpton’s Chicago Town Hall Collides with Liberty

Al Sharpton’s Chicago Town Hall Erupts into Anti-Machine Revolt

Opinion by AAABTonto:

I believe the people have just about had enough. Welcome to the Constitution …

A rev al sharpton 1, obama cartoons

Obama’s Amerika

Obama’s Amerika

American Freedom Law Center

Published on Nov 22, 2013

Despite his many lies and broken promises, President Obama is unfortunately keeping one promise he made on the eve of the 2008 election: to radically transform America. But the American Freedom Law Center is fighting back!

Mea Culpa

65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama

*   *   *

Brian Eno & David Byrne – Mea Culpa

This is NOT the Planet I was Born On

Help me … I am a clueless liberal …
An Ostrich Progressive

Opinion by AAABTonto:

In this world gone mad I often wonder what will happen next. What will the next blast of gob frothing, lunatic, pabulum-puke, liberal outburst claim to be sexist, intolerant and racist? I am never disappointed by the lack of variety of industrial strength, maximum density and narcissistic insanity that liberals espouse in the main stream media, on a daily basis.

“It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine. It’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all about.”
– Harry Reid

Al Sharpton White people are racistOkay, Al didn’t say that, but he may as well have …

‘Bye-Bye Black Sheep’: Racist GOP Birthers Call For ‘Muslim’ Obama’s Impeachment

“What we’re trying to do here is save the world from the Republican budget. We’re trying to save life on this planet as we know it today.”
– Nancy Pelosi

Jay Carney Says Immigration Reform Will ‘Increase Wages, Media laughs at the mere suggestion.

“We’re the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad.”
– President Barack Obama

Scenes From The Circus of Politics

And … THEY are insane, yet demanding that you view the world through THEIR twisted prism because your perspective of life isn’t valid. You are defective, because you believe those fairy tales in the Bible are real—never mind the plethora of archeological evidence that is being discovered verifying the historical accuracy of much of the Bible. YOU want to take away their right to choose to murder their own child. YOU want to suppress the minority vote because YOU want to make them show their photo ID! YOU want to pollute the planet and are the cause of global warming. And, YOU—you selfish bastard, you don’t think you should have pay for other peoples poor decisions even though the government consumes over half of wages you earn. You earned it, you greedy SOB now give it to someone else … or else!

“Well the good news is our emissions are way down because of the recession.”
– Claire McCaskill

Stuff Liberals Say

Stop me when I am lying—you can’t, because it is the truth. The outrageous thing is that these vessels of enlightenment proclaim that conservative Christians are the scourge of the planet, the cause of all evil, proclaim we’re intolerant, and incoherent. These fools shouldn’t be allowed to own anything sharp and they’re telling us we can’t own guns! They have successfully dumbed-down almost half the nation into believing the feckless, placating drivel they spew forth right through their pearly white teeth.

“And of course I want to express my gratitude to my family; to my mother and father who instilled in me the values that carried me this far.”
– Anthony Weiner – his resignation

MLK March

“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
– President Barack Obama

Obama the great 9

Obama’s Birthday … now Isn’t That Special?

Obama the great 5

Opinion by AAABTonto:

It is August 4th and being Obama’s birthday, it is interesting that Al Qaeda has threats out there that have closed our embassies around the world. If they wanted to do something to celebrate Obama’s birthday, maybe they should take a multimillion dollar trip to Africa on the American taxpayer’s dime or go out and play 18 holes.

The Al Qaeda threat that prompted the State Department to issue a worldwide travel alert and close down 21 embassies and consulates for the weekend is serious and ‘very specific,'” Rep. Peter King, chairman of the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, said on Friday.

“We’re not certain exactly where something might happen, but it’s very specific as to when and it’s also very specific as to the fact that it is going to happen, so we have to be on alert everywhere.”

This travel alert was the first of its kind since the the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The announcement came as Washington prepared to close its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world this Sunday (today-Obama’s birthday) over security concerns.

Never mind the fact that we really don’t know whether or not the President was even born in the United States ….

Happy Birthday Song by Satan

Happy Birthday You’re Not Special

A birthers certificate 2

New Revelations in the IRS Scandal

Sinister Obama 2

Opinion by AAABTonto:

The President has tried discredit the myriad of surrounding scandals as “phony” and implied that they are an intentional distraction form his ingenious efforts to help the middle class and reinvigorate America’s economy. There are many problems with the President’s assertions. These scandals are not phony. Wrong doing has been admitted by the IRS, obvious outright lies have been told by the Obama administration and an impotent, moderate GOP isn’t cunning enough to devise a single “phony” distraction—they’re too busy trying to find a way to get the media to say something nice about them.

During congressional hearings the IRS admitted targeting conservative, Christian and Right to Life organizations seeking 501C3 status. Yet, Jack Lew concludes that he can see “no evidence” that the IRS was politically motivated.

Jack Lew on IRS Scandal

Jack Lew is hack and a liar. How can he make such a claim when the IRS officials have testified that they indeed targeted said conservative groups? The Obama administration has, since their reelection, pushed the limits of the law and circumvention of the Constitution with Executive orders and bureaucratic rule making. We know for a fact that IRS officials shared information about conservative groups with other agencies, using their databanks to cherry pick information for other federal officials to bring legal action against conservatives. Emails between Lois Lerner, the Democrat at the center of the IRS probe,  and a lawyer at the Federal Elections Commission, implicate Lerner and the lawyer in conspiring to try to discredit a conservative group in a case before the commission.

Did IRS Help Other Agencies Target Conservatives?

Lois-Lerner-IRS.-007Lois Lerner Directly Involved in IRS Targeting, Letters Show

From the article:

Lerner, the director of the IRS exempt organizations office in Washington, D.C., signed cover letters to 15 conservative organizations currently represented by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) between in March and April of 2012. The letters, such as this one sent to the Ohio Liberty Council on March 16, 2012, informed the groups applying for tax-exempt status that the IRS was “unable to make a final determination on your exempt status without additional information,” and included a list of detailed questions of the kind that a Treasury inspector general’s audit found to be inappropriate. Some of the groups to which Lerner sent letters are still awaiting approval.

Lerner has denied involvement in the targeting, which she has blamed on a few “front-line people” in the agency’s Cincinnati field office. “I have not done anything wrong,” she told members of the House oversight committee on Wednesday. However, she then refused to answer any questions, citing protection under the Fifth Amendment. She has since been placed on (paid) administrative leave, and the committee may call her to testify again.

“One thing is clear: this correspondence shows [Lerner’s] direct involvement in the scheme,” wrote Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the ACLJ. “Further, sending a letter from the top person in the IRS Exempt Organization division to a small Tea Party group also underscores the intimidation used in this targeting ploy.”

The letters coincide with former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman’s March 2012 testimony before Congress, in which he said there was “absolutely no targeting” of conservative groups at the agency. Months later, an internal IRS investigation concluded that the agency had engaged in such targeting. Obama-administration officials have insisted the targeting stopped in May 2012, although a number of ACLJ clients have received similar requests for information from the IRS within the past year, according to chief counsel Jay Sekulow.

Noonan: A Battering Ram Becomes a Stonewall. The IRS’s leaders refuse to account for the agency’s corruption and abuse.

Strassel: Conservatives Became Targets in 2008. The Obama campaign played a big role in a liberal onslaught that far pre-dated Citizens United.

Of course, the Democrats never own up to responsibility … instead, they blame the victims or George Bush–whichever is more convenient:

Pelosi Blames “Bush Appointee” For “Politicized” IRS Scandal

However, the Republican Party has its own chip on its shoulder concerning the Tea Party and they are trying to make sure that conservatives don’t spoil their beltway buffet. House Speaker John Boehner has refused to appoint a special prosecutor claiming that it isn’t possible and would be ineffective. But we had one in Watergate and Iran Contra and White Water. You have to wonder if Boehner isn’t batting for the other team; Darrell Issa can’t investigate everything by himself and we need individuals with prosecutorial experience for each scandal!

ISSA: Is it a ‘phony scandal’ when Americans die?

IRS Chief’s 118 White House Visits Must Be Explained

New revelations in the IRS scandal emerge

This is all standard operating procedure though and history shows us that fact.

Next, the Obama thugs came for Stanley Kurtz

The administration has NO respect for the congress, the law or the good people of this country. Obama is a despot; a dictatorial thug with a Marxian agenda that is utterly un-American! It isn’t bigotry to hold this opinion, it isn’t selfish to maintain self-interest, it isn’t criminal to defend oneself and isn’t “out of line” to question the motives of a man we have entrusted to uphold and defend the Constitution who is doing everything he can to circumvent the law and bypass same!

Obama’s “fundamental transformation” is a deliberate assault on Liberty!

U.S. President Barack Obama waits to speak during the National Peace Officers Memorial Service on Capitol Hill in Washington