Category Archives: Tyranny

Idiot Debbie Wasserman Schultz: ‘Sea Has Risen 9 Inches’

Debbie Wasserman Schultz – “Sea levels have risen nine inches …”

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.):

“I will eventually represent Orlando if we don’t do something about making sure we can reduce global warming,” she said on Fox News. “Coastal communities all across the country, are facing dangerous sea-level rises, which will ultimately cause homes to be underwater in a few short years,” she said.

This utterly false and she is either a complete imbecile or a desperate liar. There is no Anthropogenic Global Warming (man-made climate influence). This is a desperate attempt to impose the United Nations carbon tax scheme on American citizens. It is junk science and it has been debunked repeatedly by many leading scientists–those who aren’t on the end of a government grant that will only continue if they tow the Obama administration’s line.

George Carlin: Global Warming Scam

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Trifecta – Global Hoax: Report Concludes that Global Warming Ended Sixteen Years Ago

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Obama’s Climate Change Agenda Is a Fool’s Vengeance

Greg Gutfeld & ‘The Five’ BLAST Obama’s Climate Change Agenda – Fox News – 6-25-13

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Obama’s climate change agenda is a poorly timed retort to the scandalanche by which he is surrounded. He has been embarrassed by China and Russia concerning the  NSA/Snowden escapade and he looks weak and irrelevant. So what does he decide to do? Why, he comes out swinging with climate claims that have long been debunked and he looks even more foolish than he did yesterday! The problem is that he is threatening to to bypass congress and implement these directives via executive order–this man’s arrogance never ceases to amaze me.

If it is not obvious to you by now that he is hell-bent on destroying America with his “fundamental transformation,” then you are as delusional as he is. This is surreal. We have enough coal–inexpensive clean energy, to last us another 300 years. Our environmental standards exceed every other industrialized nation on the planet. We should not place another restriction on ourselves until the rest of the world’s polluters do something to clean up their act and begin to improve their air quality.

But … that is not good enough for Obama …

No, he so zealous in his hatred of capitalism that he can’t wait to penalize America and continue his foolish, vengeful strangulation of our economy in order to ensure our poverty and eventual sole dependance on the government.

Sinister Obama 1

We Need to Build a Haystack in Order to Find the Needles?

mad as hell 2

Opinion by AAABTonto:

This NSA phone tapping BS is the last straw for Tonto. We need to build a haystack in order to find the needles? Who in the Sam Hell said that?

Here is the damn deal:

The NSA is recording the text,  telephone, emails and God knows what other kind of electronic communications of 310 million people for the purpose of preventing terrorism–when Obama told us the war on terror was over. It is said that there are an estimated 310,000 potential terrorists here in America; now if we know that, wouldn’t it be easier to watch the 310,000 than to try to record the communications of 310 million? Furthermore, it was perfectly fine for the IRS to profile conservatives, Tea Party people and Christians, but it is not politically correct to profile the 310,000 terrorists. We have have to let the TSA finger our wives and daughters and fondle their breasts, make paraplegics get out of their wheelchairs and decorated veterans remove prosthetic limbs, but we cannot offend Muslims by subjecting them to some extra scrutiny?

Bullshit! This is tyranny! This is a damn travesty of justice and it is the fault of the power hungry socialist vision of the Obama administration. We don’t have to take this! We don’t have to put up with this!

mad as hellThere is no transparency in Obama’s police state. We’re guilty as charged until we can prove ourselves innocent because the President is black. Christians aren’t beheading people and blowing up airplanes, but they’re imposing their will on those who don’t want to face morality–they are the ruin of all! Like hell!

I am Tonto, and I have had quite-e-damn-nough of compromising with the progressive left!

Resign the Office Mr. President! YOU aren’t worthy!

head is going to explode 1