Category Archives: Stupidity

Cross-eyed & Painless (Part 1)

What idiot expected free speaking Americans to step into the 1st Amendment area?

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Willing, determined ignorance is going to be the death of this country. America allowed itself to become spoiled, soft, lazy and ignorant of everything critical to preserving our future. Many Americans are in denial of the fact that some not-so-nice people have designs on us and, despite the efforts of some to enlighten those who refuse to see, the willingly ignorant prefer to remain so.

My dear father—God rest his soul, would be utterly dismayed with the political goings on within our present government. Were he still alive, I honestly believe all of this would have killed him. He detested politicians and if he could see the flagrant, shameless, arrogant, manner in which the bureaucracies have become eager to increase their numbers, limit our liberties and build their own paramilitary units, his head would explode. ‘We the people’ are serfs; we are at the beckoned call of whatever bureaucratic bastion dictates to us, whenever we exercise some imaginative form of liberty.

Head is going to explode 6Oligarchy in the Twenty-First Century – Think rich conservatives rule the world? Think again …

Obama loves government. He loves imposing his will on the ‘once great America’ that needed to be cut down to size, because HE doesn’t think the way our country was founded was legitimate. So, Obama builds on regulation, he expands the size and number of government employees. He ramrods a an unconstitutional healthcare law through congress, against the will of the people and then puts the IRS in charge of it. Then he allows them to assemble their own armed contingencies. What the hell do these doughnut consuming museums of freeloading pensioners need with up-armored, tactile, military vehicles, stormtroopers and snipers?

Our president believes that the people should serve the government.

And you low information voters just think it’s great. You willingly abdicate your liberty. You would rather have someone else think for you, because it is too hard for you decide for yourself. As long as you can have you X Box and your smartphone—your audiovisual pacifiers, you don’t care about politics. That shit will take care of itself and you don’t want to think about it. Progressives don’t want to know about history; they say, “Why in the hell does one need to know about anything that has already happened? We’re all about the future, man.”

The socialists are in charge and the government is their weapon …

The IRS will now be free to regulate our health care concerns; why, I am sure they would never lord our ‘conservative’ politics over us—they’re nice people, just like those Muslims … and we’re supposed to grateful for His Highness’ brilliant vision. My God, man. Who could have known that so much wisdom could be extruded from one man’s mind?

Obama is in pursuit of tyranny …

MSNBC Host to People Who Lost Their ‘Crappy’ Coverage Under Obamacare ‘Just Deal With That’

Deal with this, smarmy one:

Not everyone is as stupid as you might prefer them to be. We may have been born at night, but it wasn’t last night. Your cross-eyed, numb and dumb-assed view of the planet is the problem and we can do some simple math to prove it. What you want us  to believe does not add up and you conveniently leave out all of the history that proves socialism’s track record has only brought pestilence and death every where and every time it has been employed, period. Millions upon millions of peoples have died under the auspices of socialism and its beloved-ly good intentions.

Press Tries to Discredit Conservatives With Cliven Bundy, Ignores Large Dem Donor Convicted of Brutal Domestic Abuse

So have we found a level to which the people will stand up and respond?

I think we have. The incident at the Bundy ranch in Nevada filled me with a sense of pride—Harry Reid be damned. The government bureaucrats are clueless as to how far the American people are going to allow them to go with their new found affection for authority and black military equipment. I think it is time we gave them clear understanding that we have reached the limit of our patience. This country is not a possession of the government. The government is supposed to be of and by the People. The People possess the government and thus are not subservient to it—at least not for much longer.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren: It’s ‘Dangerous’ to Want ‘Big Government’ to Disappear

You ‘progressive communists’ may well succeed at transforming America into the socialist toilet you envision; but even if you do, you will not be happy. You will wish for days like those we are arguing in right now, because we are at liberty to argue. In your world differences of opinion will be illegal.

The debate ends when you start blindly calling other people names and accusing them of thoughts and words that they have never had ownership of. That, my prog-commie friends, is uncivilized. Individual liberty must be a column in the refinement of our civilization’s future architecture. You are ‘civilized’, right ‘er correct? Maybe that’s why they call conservatives the ‘right’ … because they are!

Billionaire Tom Steyer: I’m Not Like the Koch Brothers

Talking Heads – Crosseyed And Painless (HQ)
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A commie barack_obamaThe government is their weapon … to be continued.

Megyn Kelly’s Epic Smackdown of CAIR!

Ibrahim Hooper Kelly File Cair Spokesman HEATED DEBATE Over Ayaan Hirsi Ali
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Megyn Kelly Ibrahim Hooper Kelly File PART 2. Kelly Hooper Cair Spokesman HEATED DEBATE
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CAIR Reacts to Megyn Kelly’s Epic Smackdown!
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Slack Man in the Blight House

 A Obama great country‘The affordable Care Act is here to stay’

Opinion by AAABTonto:

President Obama is anything but presidential; he is a blight on the experiment of self governance. He is anti-liberty. Obama is the worst leader this country has ever had.

Obama once said, “We tried it their way and it didn’t work.”

That was Obama’s way of saying that free market capitalism was a failure, but not to worry because HE knew how to fix it with his Marxian genius. It was a declaration of war on liberty. The truth is that the Progressive Movement has been eroding liberty and free market capitalism for over a century now. They have wormed their way into every aspect of bureaucracy and municipality imaginable, to include our legal system. Law is no longer interpreted by facts it is argued by precedent. It is perverted by activist jurors. It is twisted into a vile tool of favoritism, oppression and recently persecution. ‘Our way’ isn’t working anymore because they have managed to muck everything up with their damnable rules and regulations.

It is Progressives who have pooped in the punch bowl, not the Tea Party.

We (those of us who see ourselves as conservatives or libertarians) all see Obama’s abuse of power, his disregard of the law—his own law and still the so-called press says NOTHING! The man is a complete and total embarrassment on the world stage and the press continues to try to paste lipstick on a very unattractive obvious fact—Obama is a disaster for America.

Obama claims that Putin made his annexation of Crimea “out of weakness” … What? What the hell is that? Obama was over in Europe yammering away about diplomatic solutions and Putin is doing whatever he damn well pleases. He just did what John Kerry said he “cannot do” in this, most modern of centuries; namely, invade and conquer a neighboring territory with real soldiers, guns, airplanes and tanks. In addition to that Putin continues to amass a large contingency of infantry on the eastern border of Ukraine as we approach summer. I wonder what might be on his mind.

Obama meets the Pope and they each tell vastly different descriptions of their conversation—no irony there. Everywhere Obama goes there seem to differing interpretations as to what happened and what was discussed. Obama politicizes everything he does. He does not govern; he does not lead.

Obama’s AG has been held in contempt of congress and yet nothing has been done to prosecute him. He acts as Obama’s defense attorney while he looks away from the obvious abuses by the IRS when they thwarted and suppressed the rights of Tea Party organizations who sought C3 and C4 status. Daryl Issa has threatened to hold Lois Lerner in contempt, but so what? Who is going to prosecute her, Eric Holder? In addition to that anything passed by the House will never see the light of day as long as the loveable Harry Reid sits atop the big boy chair in the Senate.

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HOLDER vs GOHMERT You Don’t Want To Go There Buddy! (I’M NOT YOUR BUDDY PAL!)

Another question ignored by the media is the militarization of the bureaucracies. What do all of these various alphabet soup agencies need with their own ‘paramilitary’ squads? The government need 200 armed soldiers to coral Cliven Bundy’s cows?

All of the above is a treasure trove of campaign ads for the GOP …

Meanwhile, the only thing we hear out of the GOP, is that Republicans shouldn’t listen to the Tea Party constituency because we need to moderate our position, provide amnesty for illegals, go along with Common Core, fix ObamaCare, and elect that complete and blithering poltroon, Jeb Bush to the Oval Office in 2016. Yep, going to have to fix it, that’s all we can do … it’s the law of the land. Except that not a single Republican voted for this damnable piece of cheese! The GOP elites don’t want to change any of this; they want to be in control of it. These beltway elites want to perpetuate this madness at our expense, so we don’t upset the schedule of their gravy train network! These greedy bastards are actually prioritizing their beltway buffet of privilege above that of saving our crumbling republic and it is a sad as it is outrageous. They are as progressive as the damn Democrats.

The Obama administration is awash in scandal and the GOP is not bothering to drag any of it into the light of day. This same cabal did not want to see Reagan elected, but the people got the job done.  We can get the job done again.

Thomas Paine“Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it.”
— Thomas Paine, The American Crisis, No. 4, September 11, 1777

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Obama is Just Trying to Help …

NBC News Special Report – Obama Remarks on Healthcare 4/1/2014
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Opinion by AAABTonto:

Isn’t that just special? Nothing the President says in the above video is true, but that doesn’t stop him from spiking the football and letting his gaggle of Rose Garden circus seals clap their flippers together and bark approvingly. Except that the networks didn’t break their routine programing to allow Obama to thump his boney Marxist chest. Previously they would have fallen down on one another to interrupt regular programing so Obama could polish his prized hood ornament; but they didn’t. Could it be they see the writing on the wall?

What’s even more amazing is that the math Obama is boasting about does not mandate success of his miserable, disastrous government take-over of healthcare. He claims that 7.1 million people have eagerly signed up. Probably 1/3 of those 7.1 have not paid their premiums and the other 2/3 got kicked off the plans they had, BECAUSE OF O’Care! I saw a report that estimated that only 850,000 of the people who had signed up, had not previously had insurance … and the WH is spiking the football as if this was all some great feat of justice for all humanity. In fact, it is simply a check box on the Alinsky rule list …

There are over 300 million people in this country and less than a million of them have signed up for this lousy scam that didn’t have coverage previously. Obama has destroyed what was to give us something that is twice as expensive, half as efficient and makes encroachments on liberty like no other law ever imposed in the history of our republic.

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Obama: ‘Be Proud’ of Higher Premiums, Lost Doctors and False Promises

I heard a caller to Mark Levin’s show try to explain ‘how we got where we are with ObamaCare’ by saying, “Something had to be done …”

NO, something did not HAVE to be done!

Here is another way to look at the math. Roughly speaking, 260 million people HAD healthcare insurance coverage before Obama decided to do us all a favor and uproot 1/7th of the American economy to completely ‘transform’ the healthcare industry. So Obama pulled the rug out from under all those people, who were being responsible (and have finite bank accounts), supposedly to insure the 40 million who didn’t have health insurance coverage. Now Obama has moved heaven and earth and the ACA is ‘the law of the land’ and after  the deadline to sign up [3/31/14] has passed, the White House celebrated reaching their ‘goal’ of 7 million signups for his ingenious, illustrious plan. Obama whined, “The Affordable Care Act is here to stay … it is helping people …”

Great job, Obama! You have inconvenienced and imposed twice the cost and half of the quality of services on 299 million citizens to insure less that 1 million other citizens. He claims the law is helping people? … while cancer patients relationship’ with their ecologists are severed? Hospitals curb staffing and doctors decide to retire early instead continuing their practices?  And this is helping people? Harry Reid said they weren’t even ‘real’!

Obama is America’s enemy number One!

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Daryl Hall & John Oates – I Can’t Go For That (No Can Do)
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Saving the Republic

A Gadsden flag 2

“The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like state governments, whose powers are more general. Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government.”
– James Madison, speech in the House of Representatives, January 10, 1794

Opinion by AAABTonto:

Obama’s ideology and his disregard of the law has put liberty into a tailspin. American exceptionalism is evaporating like a bottle of rubbing alcohol left open. I think it is obvious that Obama’s original desire–even before his election, was to destroy the American persona and remake it in is own, selfish, socialist design. He is on the wrong side of every issue. Now, you are entitled to your opinion, but Obama is either diabolical or he incredibly incompetent. Which is it? The man is eviscerating our stable of experienced military minds for generals who have an idealistic fondness of Obama’s agenda. Chuck Hagel is proposing the most pathetic defense budget plan put forth in seven decades. He is flagrantly imposing derision upon military families whose faith is Christian and unconstitutionally inhibiting their right express themselves religiously.

The Obama “sequester” (and he owns it—that was his baby) has devastated military funding; but the Navy is ‘required’ to run on bio-fuels, which I am told, are now 5 times the cost of diesel. The congress just cut pensions for disabled veterans. There is no love for our military in this administration as they propose to cut their funding further.

We should be strengthening our resolve. We should be tightening our belts and streamlining our budgets. Gathering extra supplies, strengthening our defenses, building redundancies into our infra structure and our emergency response systems. We have oodles of redundancies in our govt. social programs, but we can’t cut any of that. No, we have to take money from brave warriors, who are now wheelchair bound.

Sinister Obama 1

We have an administration, whose idealism has them so blind to reality, that there appears to be no way to lead them back some more pragmatic view of our circumstance. Look at the administration’s response to the bombings in Volgograd before the Olympics that killed at least 31 people:

“In terms of security for Sochi, U.S. citizens planning to attend should remain alert regarding their personal security at all times. I think our security experts have said that criminal activity in Sochi is similar to other cities of comparable size. Obviously, major events such as the Olympic games are an opportunity for thieves or for other folks who want to cause mischief,” said State Department, spokeswoman Marie Harf.

I don’t think blowing people to pieces falls under the category of mischief, but then the administration says that Benghazi is a false controversy. Does this sound like every other response the White House has offered when some significant event interferes with their vision of reality?

Obama Warns Russia Violating Ukraine Sovereignty VIDEO 2/28/2014

And now Russia is invading the Ukraine and Obama is shaking his useless finger at Putin, while Putin does whatever he damn well pleases. Obama is an embarrassment to this nation.

Even the President’s signature legislation, the Affordable Healthcare Act, is a complete and utter disaster. The President lied bout it and he continues to lie. This is where even the people who voted for this fraud are starting to feel the pain.

The accident has already happened and we have spun out of control—we just haven’t hit anything solid yet.

“Resolved, that the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government . . . whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.”
– Thomas Jefferson, /Draft Kentucky Resolutions/ [1798]

Obama’s ambitions and his policies are reckless militarily, socially, economically, diplomatically etc. We are ignoring the obvious ideological conflicts that are keeping us from dealing with our circumstance effectively. To complicate that, Obama admin has embraced the false pretense of AGW a nonexistent problem. So, we can’t speak the truth, we are embracing a climate ‘sham’, we are self-mutilating our healthcare system, denuding our defenses and teaching our children to be idiot serfs. Our future is not bright.

A commie barack_obama

Socialism doesn’t work. It has never worked at any time in history. Free markets and individuality are not a part of socialism. Obama isn’t stimulating the markets he is printing more money and therefore diluting its value. He is regulating businesses to paralysis.

Obama is at least a Muslim sympathizer and he shows no concern for the Christian genocide being perpetrated by Muslims around the world. Islam is incongruent with Western societies—Islam is intolerant of gays, music, art and free speech. Free markets and individuality are not a part of Islam and it isn’t Islamophobic to be critical of Islam. But, Obama says it is his duty as POTUS to defend anyone who portrays Islam in a bad light. If only that damnable, racist, tea Party would stop mucking things up!

Tea party 2It isn’t the Tea Party that is destroying America—it is the Tea Party trying to stop the destruction of America. I know I am not saying anything new here, but we have to keep an inventory of our circumstance in order to properly and thoughtfully inform those who are just now realizing the seriousness of our nation’s predicament.

The President’s policies are causing inequality … economic opportunity and jobs are the antidote for inequality, not Obama’s psychotic socialist visions of utopia.

The states must restore the balance of power and I think Mark Levin has the answer. The Founders installed an emergency brake handle in the Constitution; we just need to break the glass and pull the damn thing!

Article V
The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

Mark Levin “The Liberty Amendments” – (COMPLETE) Sean Hannity Special – Fox News – 8-16-13

Mark Levin is probably America’s number one defender of liberty and the Constitution. The Left despises him and would love to silence him. It has been suggested that conservative talk radio is angry, mean and volatile, when it really is not. Serious subjects are discussed, factual evidence is hashed over and sincere passion is demonstrated where liberty is concerned. Logic is paired with morality and “feelings” do not trump reality. Conservatism is not an ideology, it is a way of life; it employs the combination of experience and knowledge, or “wisdom,” to guide one through life’s tumult of good and bad experiences. Individual responsibility is the primary order of the day and you don’t need government to make that happen. The Left thinks government should be involved in every aspect of your life and conservatives want the govt. to stay the hell out of their lives.

Tyranny’s encroachment on liberty is vile and unacceptable. Progressivism and Islam must be made to back down. If that’s how YOU want to live, then go to that place on the planet that subscribes to your beliefs and enjoy. DO NOT make me change MY way of life in order to suit YOUR beliefs. America was never intended to be “fundamentally transformed” by some adolescent ego maniac.

“I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.”
– Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Dr. Benjamin Rush [September 23, 1800]

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PJTV: Nutty Professor Demands That We Abandon Constitutional Freedoms

PJTV: Liberal Fascism: Nutty Professor Demands That We Abandon Constitutional Freedoms
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Obama: Give Peace a Chance

Sinister Obama 1The great capitulator …

President Obama On Iran – Give Peace A Chance
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“My preference is for peace and diplomacy, and this is one of the reasons why I’ve sent a message to Congress that now is not the time for us to impose new sanctions; now is the time for us to allow the diplomats and technical experts to do their work. We will be able to monitor and verify whether or not the interim agreement is being followed through on, and if it is not, we’ll be in a strong position to respond. But what we want to do is give diplomacy a chance and give peace a chance.”

A obama-nuclear-talks-iran-nukes

John Lennon – Give Peace A Chance
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New Iran agreement includes secret side deal, Tehran official says

Capitulation: White House admits that new agreement permits Iran to continue advanced nuclear research

New agreement doesn’t give IAEA enough access to Iran to investigate whether they’re working on nuclear bomb

“Of all tyrannies a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be ‘cured’ against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. But to be punished, however severely, because we have deserved it, because we ‘ought to have known better,’ is to be treated as a human person made in God’s image.”
– C.S. Lewis